Thursday 24 November 2011

Analysis of Blackpool

In this soap there are many aspects that represent age, family and relationships. The opening scenes focus on the mise en scene, camera, editing and sound. In the following analysis i will focus on them four main areas.

Camera: we see many different camera shots used in the clip. The craneshot was used to portray the revealing of the scene to make it look interesting. At first we see a medium close up of the couple on the sofa talking about what they expect of there daughters new boyfriend. The camera also goes onto each character when they are talking. The next shot we see is other the shoulder when his daughter and her new boyfriend walk into the room. It then goes onto a close up of two of the characters. The next shot is a long shot of the four characters around the living room table, with each couple on either side of the sofa. This could sugget the tension between the two couples and also that there having a conversation that needs to be done.
In some shots the mother and father are seperated which could suggest to us there not close and there is a weak bond between them. On the other hand, the close up shots of the daughter and her husband suggest to us that they have a close bond. The close ups and medium close up shots then vary throughout the conversation. Towards the end there is a long shot of when they are in the bedroom and the husband gets into the bed. He is very distant with her and has seperated himself from her. She then kisses his arm and he doesnt react as if he cares.

Mise en scene: the colour of the mother and fathers outfits show they are not modern, they are also matching to show us they are dressed a little younger than there actuall age. On the other hand the daughter was dressed more formal in a suit and the colours wasnt as brigth. Her boyfriend was alos dressed smart and casual to show maturity.
The house was also not a typical modern house, as the interior looks like it is from recent years. the furniture and also the bedroom shows they still like the old look.
The non-verbal language; when the daughter got up to leave and the boyfriend wanted to shake her dads hand but he put his hands in his pockets tells us that the father doesnt like him very much and didnt care.

Sound: at the beginning of the clip we can hear the mother and father having a conversation about there daughters new boyfriend. We then hear a background noise of a door slamming which suggests to us the daughter has arrived. We the hear and seem then enter into the living room doors and once the daughter has introduced him we hear his footsteps as he walks into the room. The father during the whole conversation was very blunt and truthful his tone was hard and deep to show that he was trying to be in control and show his feelings. On the other hand, the mum was very laid back and her voice was calm and reassuring. her tone was also soft to help everyone keep calm. The father was also sarcastic about the boyfriends jokes to show that hes not a person to laugh about with and he takes everything seriously when it comes to his daughter.

Editing: during the clip, eah character had a close up of them and also a medium close up to help show identity and to let us build a profile ourselves. The editing of the shots also gives us a feeling of what each character is thinking and how they all react to the situation.

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