Thursday 22 September 2011


The opening of the film suggests to us that it is a horror/thirller.

The written language/credits jump out at you also suggests horror.
The pictures are dull and there is no colour, they are also abnormal which suggests horror as most horror films seen abnormal.
The music used in the opening is slow but also creates a scary and creepy feeling, it is also jumpy.. The sound affects also blend in with the music.
The editing of the opening is very fast as the pictures move on and change very quickly.
The focus also changes and the pictures so blurry and then clear again.
The camera shots throughout the opening  are close up and dont show very much.
  • cutting up of pictures suggests theres targets and hatered
  • scribbling out of a face suggests again hatered and also tells us death
  • the creating of a book tells us its a task and a persons life
  • the razor blade and scrapping of the skin suggets danger
  • the needles and sewing of the book may suggest he trying to fix things but also not in the right way it should be done

1 comment:

  1. www some detailed and well observed description with some use of media terminology. I like the way you have broken it down into bulleted points and dealt with different areas separately.

    ebi some of the descriptions need to be thought through more closely - 'don't show very much' is not a helpful description and betrays a lack of really close observation of the text. Develop the confident use of terminology.
